Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Summer HR Horror Stories – And How To Avoid Them In Your Business

Any time of the year brings challenges for business owners when it comes to managing a team of people, and the summer is no different. Everyone might be in a slightly better mood when the sun starts to shine, but there are potential issues that you need to be aware of to ensure the smooth running of your operations. No one likes to think about the worst case scenario, but being prepared and thinking about your plan of action is always better than being caught off-guard.

Here, we’re going to take a look at a few HR horror stories from the summer months, and explain how you can avoid the fallout in your business.

A key member of staff gets stuck in a foreign country

Millions of British holidaymakers fly out to sunnier climes every summer, and most journeys are without any glitches. But what would happen if your member of staff got stuck in a different country due to a cancelled flight, and they’re due to meet a very important client or deliver a big presentation? Back in 2010, the ash cloud from a volcanic eruption in Iceland caused massive travel chaos.

The reality here is that if a similar situation struck, there’s very little that you can do about it. The key is making sure that you’re not putting your business in a situation whereby one member of staff is irreplaceable. There should always be someone who can step up and make sure that the job still gets done.

You see a ‘sick’ member of staff enjoying a holiday on social media

You think that your employee is absent due to illness. But then you see them tagged in a photo on Facebook, looking very well and enjoying some beach time in an exotic resort. What do you do next? Well first of all, it’s wise to resist jumping to conclusions. The picture could have been taken a long time ago, and you might have simply got the wrong end of the stick.

If you suspect though that your policies aren’t being adhered to, then it’s vital that you follow your own rules and investigate the situation before making a decision about the best course of action. This is why having robust and up to date policies is absolutely essential.

Productivity drops through the floor, and targets aren’t being met

Many workplaces face a productivity slump over the summer season. Staff are out of the office, looking forward to holidays, and their social lives might step up a level while they enjoy beer gardens and barbecues and festivals. It’s normal for output levels to vary depending on the time of the year, but you can’t just let the situation continue.

As we head towards the end of the summer season, it’s a great time to consider how you’ll ensure that your business and your staff are fully prepared for a big push towards achieving your goals in the final quarter.

Maybe you have an HR horror story of your own that you know you need to deal with before it spirals out of control? We can help you at The Human Resource. Get in touch today on 07884 475303 to arrange a no-obligation consultation, and we can discuss how we might be able to work together to overcome your people management challenges.


Wednesday, 23 August 2017

What if you refuse annual leave, and the employee takes time off anyway?

You don’t need us to tell you that the summer period is peak season for staff members wanting to take some time out of the office. The kids are off school, people are thinking about a few weeks in the sun, and the holiday requests start to come rolling in.

All business owners know that it’s essential to have a robust policy in place to manage leave requests and ensure that they’re handled fairly and efficiently, so you can fulfill your duties as a responsible and fair employer, and also make sure that organisational requirements and targets are being fulfilled.

But what happens when you’re forced to decline a request for leave, and then the employee in question fails to turn up for work anyway? The initial reaction might be to think that they’re taking the Michael, and that it’s time to roll out your usual disciplinary procedures. In some cases, that might indeed be appropriate. Let’s not jump to conclusions though. Take a step back, and look at the full picture.

If your employee has called in sick in line with your absence policy, then of course it might be an entirely genuine coincidence, and it wouldn’t be advisable to wade into the situation full of accusations.

If, however, your employee simply doesn’t turn up to work and provides no reasonable explanation, then it’s a different kettle of fish. In these circumstances, you should launch an investigation to establish whether the absence was for genuine reasons. If you determine that it’s a disciplinary issue, then your usual policies and procedures should be followed.

Of course, these situations are much easier to handle if you already have systems in place. No one expects things to go wrong, and when you’re managing the day-to-day running of your business, it’s easy to neglect the finer details of your HR provisions. Until you’re faced with a situation that you know could escalate into a disaster if it’s not handled properly.

You’d be amazed to know just how many business owners overlook things like this until an issue arises. You’re certainly not alone, and we’re not here to judge. But we can help you to get things in order – whether it’s as a precautionary measure to save you from headaches in the future, or you’ve found yourself facing a problem that needs to be handled sharpish.

Either way, give us a call at The Human Resource today on 07884 475303, and we can arrange an initial no-obligation consultation to discuss where you are right now, and what you need to do to move forward towards better peace of mind.